Fundraising for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip

Fundraising for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip

In May 2024 we launched our latest appeal, raising funds to send emergency food aid to displaced children and families in the Gaza Strip.

Medics working on the ground recently reported the first cases of children dying from malnutrition, in northern Gaza, as a food crisis deepens. That is in addition to the 12,500 children who have already lost their lives to war, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Heath.

Recent data, released by the World Health Organisation (WHO),stated that around 30% of children below the age of two are reported to be acutely malnourished, meanwhile the UN says 70% of the population in northern Gaza is facing "catastrophic hunger."

Speaking about the appeal, WFA founder Harry Dulai said: “Many of us feel helpless when watching the news at the moment, seeing one heart-breaking story after another. This appeal is about what we can do to help innocent civilians caught up in unimaginable horrors.Most of us struggle to even comprehend that these scenes are unfolding in 2024 - children and babies orphaned, thousands killed,people losing their entire families. It is absolutely heart-breaking and impossible to watch and not want to do something to help.

“Following the success of the Colchester to Ukraine appeal, we have decided to launch a 2024 appeal to help Gazan families in crisis.”

All funds raised through WFA’s 2024 Appeal will be converted into food aid, over the coming months, and delivered into the Gaza Strip with the support of UK charity Humanity Without Borders. * Their aid trucks are continuing to operate, despite hazardous conditions.

How our appeal helps your money go further?

With the support of Surya Foods, World Food Aid can procure food at very low prices. This means that every pound goes further. (items purchased in a supermarket and donated will,naturally, buy less pound for pound)**

We are partnering with the UK charity Humanity Without Borders which has an established and reliable route into the Gaza Strip and is already supplying aid on the ground. This charity has offered to transport our food donations, alongside their existing aid, without additional transport fees.